case study

Along with our Feasibility and Benchmark Study, we provide a Case Study offering that allows our partners to get a better understanding of other institutions who have been in similar situation. It is great to know all of the information and benchmarking data for your institution and others, but it is also great to have specific examples of others who have gone through similar reclassification or sport additions.
our process

First, we will establish what kind of case study and results that your institution is seeking. Once this is complete, we will begin doing research in our own project database to see if we have any institutional profiles and situations that are similar to your current institution. If we do have something similar, we will begin our case study, if we do not, we will continue to look at outside sources.
After determining the case, we will look at the methods used in prior studies, the implementations of recommendation and the outcomes. All of these elements will be presented to your institution within a case study write up, allowing your institution to get an inside look. Case studies can be customized to what your institution is looking for and needing at the time.